Monday, 30 April 2012

Worship on the Sabbath

I love the fact God is bigger than a worship style!

I've had a very Sabbathy Sunday. Starting with all age worship led by Duggie Dug Dug, including being a puppeteer again! I spent most of the morning on the floor at the front with kids climbing all over me, dancing and calling people funky. Was great to be free, and able to worship. Then I got a signed copy of Doug's latest CD.

After picking up some lunch I went to see my cousin for the afternoon. We caught up on life, reminisced about chair moves and all things stewards and played a card game. All the things Sunday afternoon should be about - especially when we share favourite pizza toppings!

Then off I went back to church for a Taize service. This is the first one I've been to at church and I loved the repetition, the silence and the light. I've got 3 friends on my heart at the moment, going through rough times and I lit a candle especially for one of them at the end of the service. The 10 minute silence near the end flew by, I had to concentrate to get children's action songs out of my head. I used to think in tweets, though since I've started blogging my thought process has developed into blog topics. I was thinking about this blog, and my life, and what is next, moving or not, working or not. The next few months are going to be a very exciting but scary time.

Something I've been picking up in worship a lot recently is the idea of light, and light overcoming the darkness. In a talk about slavery last weekend at MWiB this verse was used in a Mexican wave style - the light will shine in the darkness and the darkness will never overcome it. Tonight was totally lit by candles and it is so lovely to set the atmosphere that way.

I'm preparing to blog every day at this week. The first post will be about who I am, my identity. This is something that has shaped a lot of my thoughts recently. Who am I? What makes me who I am? When my whole life seems to be changing what remains? And today in the context of worship, who am I? I love kids worship songs, actions and all, I love silence, candles, chants, I love conversations and communion, I love prayer stations and late night prayer rooms. I go to Soul Survivor, Spring Harvest and Greenbelt. I'm me in all of these. I'm real. Worship isn't worship if its not real.

I'm just glad that God is still the same God, whether I'm dancing or sitting, kneeling or waving my arms in the air. I'm still discovering who I am but God is God. Amen.

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