There's a lot out there about calling and identity, and I've had a week where I've had my confidence shook in something I thought I was certain in my calling in. I've come to realise that I shouldn't worry about what I have been called to in the past, or who I will be in a few years time, but that God calls me to be me today, the best me I can be - cos no one else can be.
Let me backtrack a bit.
If you had asked me a few years ago, I would have said Participation was the thing that made me most excited and I got fired up with. Now if you had to sum up how I spend more of my time it would be equality. A week last Saturday I was at a church in Chester that was full to the brim of women (and a few men) excited about the new movement that is MWiB (Methodist Women in Britain). That is a place where I feel needed, wanted and appreciated. It is a movement that I am happy to give my time too.
The day before I'd been at a BYC (British Youth Council) event called Equality4U. It reminded me that we still live in a world where women get paid up to almost 20% less than men, and that's only if you are white, we also live in a society where YouTube is used to help LGBTQ young people in the 'it gets better' campaign.
I feel called to preaching, I'm sure one day I will blog my local preaching journey, but that day is not today. This morning I had the opportunity to help 3 great tween/teenagers plan their Sunday school anniversary service in May. I got out my first blue folder and was amazed by their want to do as much as possible in the service. Being able to enable others to plan worship makes all those hours doing faith and worship worth it- and is an awesome feeling.
Yesterday was one of the biggest days in my District diary. Inspire 6 is a training day and was themed on prayer - as that is discipleship I got to head up the youth stream. Among other things I got to watch as about 30 high schoolers thought, wrote and prayed thankful prayers of their brokenness - creating a cross of broken tiles of what they were thankful for in their lives. Reminds us that God turns round even the worst situations and brings good out of them, and I get to see young people in these moments. So moving.
Someone said to me this week when they saw me preaching in the pulpit that it looked like I was where I was meant to be - doing what I was made for! What more can anyone ask.
I am very blessed that I love the things I get to do, fight for equality, preach, work with young people. I believe God calls us every day, to be the best you you can be. Sometimes God pushes us in certain directions - like preaching. If you'd asked me 4 years ago I would have said no chance, but generally all God wants is for us to be the best us today.
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