Wednesday, 8 February 2012

This is the life we've been given...

I'm really disappointed today.

Social media has a lot to answer for.

Don't get me wrong I love Facebook and Twitter, and even wrote a meditweetion for a faith and worship assignment. (In which a person talked to God, and the Bible chirped in useful texts)

Over the last few days however I've been getting more and more concerned with what people do with it.

Twitter seems to be rife with jealousy this morning. I realise in the situation I am thinking of that its because there is a lack of information, but what it boils down to is just people being jealous of others.

It reminds from my retreat we listened to the Take That song - "In the Garden" which has the line "this is the life we've been given" I wasn't sure on that day how to take that - does God cause suffering etc, but we all have our lives I don't think we should be using them wondering what everyone else is up to when our lives and ministries are equally important and at other times will be much more fun.

Then there is a group I belong to on Facebook that I know others have left - and I've just stopped getting notifications on as they don't want what start out as honest questions and turn into rants filling my inbox. It concerns me what Christians do and say in the Churches name.

Yesterday, I was in a school and talking to one trainee teacher who had seen what was going on with the spirituality day - we were talking to year 7 about communion. I found out the reason she didn't go to church was that her local church was too judgemental. She had some questions about how our faith effects our lives, I tried to talk about the difference God makes in everything I do, I try not to be judgmental - though maybe I am being today, how I spend my time, the people I invest in and my money - eg Fairtrade, not illegally downloading films, and why me and Matt aren't living together before we get married. It made me think what would be different, who would I be in God hadn't got me first? I joke I'd have made a great evil genius if my morals didn't get in the way.

So back to Take That...

"This is the life we've been given
So open your heart and start loving
We can make a start if we only learn to listen"

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