Friday, 27 January 2012

what if... say yes.

I started writing a post yesterday about some stuff, but think that needs more time and wanted to reflect on something that happened in my youth work session this lunch time.

We had a guest with us so after bop it I got my question ball out and had a chance to find out a bit more about the girls I work with. One question was name 3 significant times of your life. The girl wasn't sure what significant meant so I explained it as important. So she mentioned 3 important times but it got me thinking.

I was chatting the other day with a friend about which moment do you get back to if you think about what if. Mine takes me back to standing in the door way of my parents old house - a place I called home for 11 years when a church Member - Sue, came to the door and persuaded me to go to MYC back in 2006. I don't know if she knows what a difference she made to my life. There are so many moments and decisions that can change us, and that one didn't seem so big, but really was. It was the first time I went away without feeling home sick - preparing me for Uni, it was the first time my lovely boyfriend saw me - and a year later at the same event when we met, its the place I met some of my best friends who are practically family. I couldn't imagine who I would be if that hadn't happened... imagine me in 2008 without the YPS!

Its like the doctor who episode - about which way Donna turned at the end of the road in her car. So after the most recent post about learning to say No, I hope you say yes to the things that will truly change your life.

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